If you like this game, at all, get yourself the game Run (found on the app store as a Kongregate game for free) instead. This game is basically a rip off of that, in the fullest sense of the term. It used a different background and a new obstacle to make it seem new, but is really so inferior. In this, you cant jump, instead you just roughly flip the map upside down. The music in this game was so bad for the first level I had to turn it off. That might be opinion, but it seemed to be a few notes on repeat every 2 seconds. Run, on the other hand, has glorious music and much smoother play. Plus in that game you get to use an alien with shoes or I Estates and such. Seriously, get Run. Its worth your time. Any moment on this game is a moment wasted.
Dean McCoppin about Octagon 1: Maximal Challenge, v3.1